Tonight’s Sex Positive Boston discussion was a brainstorming session about what we all can do (individually and/or collectively) in response to Orlando, the police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, targeted killings of police officers, other recent incidents of police brutality, and racism and oppression in general. We did our best to think creatively about how we can contribute to positive change in light of these dark circumstances.
There is no one right answer, and we are not here to tell you what approach is right for you! How to Respectfully Hit on People7/6/2016 This new zine explains how to approach people romantically/sexually in a way that is as positive and empowering for everyone involved as possible.
2016 Summer Gift Guide!7/1/2016 I just finished putting together the 2016 Pleasure Pie Summer Gift Guide! It’s full of all sorts of awesome sexual freedom affirming, body loving, gender equality proclaiming creations. Check it out!