How Do You Feel About Masculinity? Discussion
This discussion was created by Benji Mauer of Hey Benji and Nicole Mazzeo of Pleasure Pie.
Discussion Outline
- Popcorn Style - Let people speak when they have something to say, in no particular order. Not everyone needs to speak.
Discussion Outline
- Introductions:
- Everyone goes around and says their name and the pronouns they use.
- Group guidelines:
- We're going to be talking about some sensitive things here. What are some guidelines that we can establish for this space, in order to help make it more comfortable, safe, and conducive to the type of discussion that we want to have? (Popcorn style)
- Note: Masculinity isn't the same as male. People of all genders can have masculinity be a part of their gender expression.
- Discussion questions:
- Do you think that expressing oneself in a way that our culture sees/labels as masculine is inherently oppressive?
- Go around in a circle so each person speaks.
- What does oppressive masculinity look/feel like, in your experience? (Popcorn style)
- What does positive masculinity look/feel like, in your experience? (Popcorn style)
- Could positive masculinity be liberatory/empowering for non-masculine identified people? (Popcorn style)
- What do you think of the concept of misandry? (Popcorn style)
- How does the anti-misandry movement / men's rights movement make you feel? (Trigger warning) (Popcorn style)
- How can people with male or masculine privilege address how our culture often presents violence and oppression toward women as normal? (aka rape culture) (Popcorn style)
- Ask this in a way that is genuinely looking for suggestions and curious about people's ideas/strategies, not pushing people to commit to activism that they aren't feeling inclined to do.
- Where does sex and sexuality fit into all of this? (Popcorn style)
- Do you think that expressing oneself in a way that our culture sees/labels as masculine is inherently oppressive?
- Any final thoughts or reflections? (Popcorn style)