Loving Your Body Discussion
This discussion was created by Nicole Mazzeo of Pleasure Pie.
Discussion Outline
- Popcorn Style - Let people speak when they have something to say, in no particular order. Not everyone needs to speak.
Discussion Outline
- Introductions:
- Everyone goes around and says their name, the pronouns they use, one thing they like about their body, and one thing they're insecure about about their body.
- Basic definitions:
- What does body positive mean to you? What about body negative?
- Have a couple of people give their thoughts so everyone knows what we're talking about.
- What does body positive mean to you? What about body negative?
- Group guidelines:
- We're going to be talking about some sensitive things here. What are some things that would make you feel more comfortable talking about these things in this group? (Popcorn style)
- Ask people to get into groups of two, preferably with someone they don't know.
- Prompt: Tell your partner your life story with a focus on how you've felt about your body / your relationship to your body. How has your relationship to your body changed over your lifetime? You are welcome to share as much or as little as you want.
- Guidelines for pair discussions:
- Confidentiality: Don't tell anyone what your partner says to you in your pair discussion.
- You have 6 minutes to speak, and your partner should just listen during those 6 minutes (no responding). Then switch and the listening partner has 6 minutes to tell their body life story. We know that there might be some difficult things to talk about, so take care of yourself and don't feel pressure to talk about anything that you're not ready to.
- Guidelines for pair discussions:
- Get back into a group.
- Prompt: Tell your partner your life story with a focus on how you've felt about your body / your relationship to your body. How has your relationship to your body changed over your lifetime? You are welcome to share as much or as little as you want.
- Discussion questions: (Popcorn style)
- What was that like for you? What came up for you?
- What's one body negative cultural message that has affected you? How has it affected you?
- How do you feel about your genitals?
- What's one body positive idea that's been important to you recently?
- If you could tell the world one thing about bodies, what would it be?
- Any thoughts/reflections? (Popcorn style)