Sex and Race, or: How My Sex Negativity is Also Racist Discussion
This discussion was created by Patrice Faulkner of The Sextacular Show, Michael Martin of Boston Knapsack Anti-Racism Group, and Nicole Mazzeo of Pleasure Pie.
Discussion Outline
- Popcorn Style - Let people speak when they have something to say, in no particular order. Not everyone needs to speak.
Discussion Outline
- Introductions:
- Everyone goes around and says their name and the pronouns they use.
- Basic definitions:
- What does sex positivity mean to you? What does anti-racism mean to you?
- Have a couple of people give their thoughts on these terms so everyone knows what we're talking about.
- What does sex positivity mean to you? What does anti-racism mean to you?
- Group guidelines:
- We're going to be talking about some sensitive things here. What are some things that would make you feel more comfortable talking about these things in this group? (Popcorn style)
- Discussion questions:
- What's one thing you've found yourself thinking recently that was sex negative?
- Go around in a circle so each person speaks.
- What's one thing you've found yourself thinking recently that was racist?
- Go around in a circle so each person speaks.
- How did it feel to hear other people's sex negative and racist thoughts? (Popcorn style)
- What do you do with these thoughts? (Popcorn style)
- One suggestion: Acknowledge that the thought is sex negative or racist, forgive yourself, and say the opposite of the thought in your head. For example, if the original thought is, "I don't like going to black people's yard sales because they don't have nice stuff," the opposite could be, "Black people can have nice stuff just like people of any other race; their yard sales are just as worth going to as anyone else's."
- Which one of these topics (sex negativity or racism) are you least comfortable talking about? Why do you think that is? (Popcorn style)
- Any final thoughts, reflections, or questions? (Popcorn style)
- What's one thing you've found yourself thinking recently that was sex negative?