Sex, Self Love, and Self Care Discussion
This discussion was created by Nicole Mazzeo of Pleasure Pie.
Discussion Outline
Discussion Outline
- Introductions:
- Everyone goes around and says their name and the pronouns they use.
- Group guidelines:
- We're going to be talking about some sensitive things here. What are some things that would make you feel more comfortable talking about these things in this group? (Popcorn style)
- Discussion questions:
- Self love questions:
- What's your internal conversation like? How would you feel if someone treated your loved one the way you treat yourself? How would your loved ones feel if they could hear the way you treat yourself?
- Loving your sexuality:
- What might loving yourself as a sexual being (or as a non-sexual being, if applicable) look like?
- Loving yourself as a being who deserves to experience sexual and/or non-sexual pleasure.
- What might loving your unique sexuality look like?
- What might loving yourself as a sexual being (or as a non-sexual being, if applicable) look like?
- Loving your body:
- What might loving your body look like?
- Love Your Body Rant: It's there when you have sex/masturbate! It's actually there all the time! Life will be better if you enjoy your body's presence because it's not going away. Appreciate it. Find things you love about it. Give it a hug sometimes. Treat it well and allow yourself to bask in the pleasure it is capable of experiencing. Example: "Good job, body! I appreciate that you can have pleasurable sensations!"
- What might loving your body look like?
- Self care questions:
- How do you take care of yourself and your sexuality? What can caring for your sexual self look like?
- Suggestions:
- Respecting yourself as a person with agency over your sexuality, sexual orientation, choices, likes, dislikes, etc.
- Deciding your boundaries and and unapologetically communicating them to your sexual partner(s).
- Deciding what you do and don't want sexually.
- Standing up for what you want.
- How can you take care of yourself when something sexual makes you uncomfortable? For example, if a partner wants to do something you don't; if you feel pressured in a sexual interaction; if you feel triggered; etc.
- Suggestions:
- Can your sexual relationship with yourself be healing for you? Can it be a part of your self care?
- Example: Masturbation as "me time" and stress management.
- How do you balance caring for yourself with caring for others and with allowing others to care for you?
- What challenges do you face in your self care?
- How do you take care of yourself and your sexuality? What can caring for your sexual self look like?
- Self love questions:
- Any final thoughts, reflections, or questions?