The Future of Your Sexuality Discussion
This discussion was created by Nicole Mazzeo of Pleasure Pie.
Discussion Outline
- Popcorn Style - Let people speak when they have something to say, in no particular order. Not everyone needs to speak.
Discussion Outline
- Introductions:
- Everyone goes around and says their name, the pronouns they use, and a movie they like and (briefly) why they like it.
- Group guidelines:
- We're going to be talking about some sensitive things here. What are some things that would make you feel more comfortable talking about these things in this group? (Popcorn style)
- Reflect on the past year: What has your relationship to sexuality been like? Have you tried anything new? Have you had any new feelings or philosophies related to sexuality? Have you had any big changes (i.e. started/ended a relationship, came out to yourself/others, etc.)? What has this been like for you?
- Go around in a circle so each person speaks.
- Goals for this next year (starting now):
- Pass out flashcards. Have people write goals/intentions for their sexuality for the next year or so. Where would you like to see your relationship to sexuality grow and expand? Give them about 5 minutes, or until everyone is done writing.
- Have everyone find a partner (ideally someone they don't know well). Give them about 5 minutes to talk in pairs about their goals, as well as what the process of writing goals was like for them.
- Get back into the larger group.
- What goals did you come up with? What was that process like for you? (Popcorn style)
- Letters to our future selves:
- Pass out greeting cards and envelopes. Give people a few minutes to write a card to their future self saying something they want to be reminded of in the next year or so. This is pretty open-ended, and participants are welcome to write any thoughts and reflections that come up for them.
- Have them self-address the envelopes and give the sealed envelopes with the cards inside to you. The leader of the discussion will mail them out at some point (of your choosing) in the next year.
- Pass out greeting cards and envelopes. Give people a few minutes to write a card to their future self saying something they want to be reminded of in the next year or so. This is pretty open-ended, and participants are welcome to write any thoughts and reflections that come up for them.
- How do you feel about the idea of making goals for your sexuality? How about being satisfied with where you are right now sexually (including your insecurities, shame, trauma, etc.)? (Popcorn style)
- Optional (if you have extra time):
- What's something you're excited about/interested in right now related to sexuality? Examples: an article or book you read, an idea you heard, erotica you found, etc. (Go around)
- Any final thoughts or reflections? (Popcorn style)