Q&A with a Penis Artist!9/4/2018 An Interview with Noa Bulbulz Shortly after I moved to Jerusalem last year, I got a friend request on Facebook from a woman in Massachusetts who I had never met. I get a lot of random friend requests, so I was not especially intrigued. Upon looking at her profile, it quickly became clear that she was an artist — specifically, a penis artist.
There is a new apparel company in Boston whose mission is to promote consent! They’re called Let’s Be Clear, and I asked the founder, Rachel Verner, a few prying questions. I don’t know about you, but whenever I find out about someone doing creative consent education in my city, I want to know more
Sex Positive Zines!11/16/2016 I’m compiling a list of sex-positive zines. I’ll continue to add to this list as I find more. Feel free to send recommendations!
2016 Summer Gift Guide!7/1/2016 I just finished putting together the 2016 Pleasure Pie Summer Gift Guide! It’s full of all sorts of awesome sexual freedom affirming, body loving, gender equality proclaiming creations. Check it out!
2015 Holiday Gift Guide!12/6/2015 Obviously, the best gift is always a kitten, but if for some reason that’s not enough, we’ve come up with some empowering holiday gift ideas!
Click here to go to the gift guide! |