Alternative Routes to Becoming a Sex EducatorIf you’re passionate about this stuff, and you keep yourself informed with up to date information, and you talk to people about it sometimes, you’re already a sex educator! Phew, now that that’s out of the way, you can get to work on being a sex educator who gets shit done.
The traditional route to becoming a sex educator is to go to college, major in sociology, social work, psychology, health, or gender studies, maybe intern at Planned Parenthood or another sex ed nonprofit, and then look for a job at a sex ed nonprofit. This is a great way to become a sex educator — but it's not the only way! I recommend that you start by brainstorming about what you want your work as a sex educator to consist of. What kinds of things do you like to do? What are you good at? Asking yourself these questions will help you to figure out what type of work you can do to be the most effective sex educator you can be. Take a minute to brainstorm and write down some things that you like to do, and some things that you’re good at. Spoiler: There will likely be a lot of overlap. *** Do it. *** Great. Now you have a list of your skill set. Look at that! Before we move on, take a minute to take this What Kind of Changemaker are You? Quiz. It’s a fun exercise than can help you think a little more about the ways that you’re naturally drawn to contribute. (Note: I’m having you do this after making your own lists, because you are the expert on you. The quiz is a potentially helpful supplement to what you already know about yourself.) *** Quiz time. *** Cool, hopefully that was fun and at least a little informative. So… How can you apply some of these things to sex education? Well, unfortunately I can’t see your list, so I can’t tailor my suggestions to the things you’re good at. But I’m going to try to give a bunch of different suggestions so hopefully there’s something on here that you could see yourself being psyched about. Ideas for Getting Shit Done & Establishing Yourself as a Sex Educator
There are also lots of other ways to become a sex educator. Do what feels right to you! :) |